Monday 20 January, 14:00-15:30, Ioannou Centre for Research in Classical and Byzantine Studies
'Labor Omnia Vincit: The Pleasures and Perplexities of Didactic Poetry & Verse Translation'
Professor Kimberly Johnson, Brigham Young University, will give a reading from her translations of Virgil's Georgics and Hesiod's Works and Days, followed by a conversation with A E Stallings, Oxford Professor of Poetry. Free, all welcome, no booking required.
Monday 3 February, 17:00-19:00, Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College
'The Art of Filmed Theatre: Greek Tragedy captured by the National Theatre'
Erin Lee, Head of Archive at the National Theatre, and Jess Richardson, Head of Production and Content at the National Theatre, will give a talk, present digital content, and lead discussion. Free, all welcome, no booking required.
Monday 10 February, 17:00-19:30, Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College
Orestes (dir. Marcus Bell and Alison Middleton, Oxford Greek Play 2021), screening organized in collaboration with the Oxford University Classics Drama Society, introduced by Marcus Bell, with post-screening discussion. Free, all welcome, no booking required.
Monday 17 February, 17:00-19:00, Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College
The Rescheduled Antigone / Die verschobene Antigone (dir. Volker Schlöndorff and Heinrich Böll, episode from portmanteau film Germany in Autumn / Deutschland im Herbst, West Germany 1978), introduced by Arshya Bommaraju, with post-screening discussion. Free, all welcome, no booking required.
Monday 24 February, 19:00-21.30, Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College
Fellini Satyricon (dir. Federico Fellini, Italy, 1969), organized in collaboration with St Hilda's Classics Society, introduced by Joanna Paul (Open University), with post-screening discussion. Free, all welcome, no booking required.
Wednesday 12 March, time and place TBC
Recital on Ancient Greek Music. Supported by the APGRD, this recital follows the inaugural seminar series of Ancient Music at Oxford, Approaches to Ancient Greek Music. A variety of types of music and a range of sounds will be exhibited, including performances of surviving fragments, attempts at authentic reconstruction of the music, poetic musical text, and diverse new compositions and recompositions that take inspiration from the ancient musical traditions. Details and registration will be released at:
Friday 21 March, 13:30-18:30, Ioannou Centre for Research in Classical and Byzantine Studies
Colloquium on Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Speakers and Respondents include: Emmanuela Bakola, Warwick; Felix Budelmann, Groningen; Edith Hall, Durham; Leah Himmelhoch, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Fiona Macintosh; Mai Musié, Swansea; Saskia Peels-Matthey, Groningen; Tommaso Suaria, Lisbon. In addition to research work in progress, this event will celebrate the publication of three new works on the play: Agamemnon, a Performance History by Claire Kenward & Fiona Macintosh (interactive/multimedia eBook, APGRD, 2023), Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Leah Himmelhoch (Bloomsbury, 2023), and Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Edith Hall (Aris & Phillips, Liverpool University Press, 2024). Details of the programme and registration will be released at: